Leaders vs. Managers

Leader VS Manager

Managers and leaders are two different types of people in an organisation. Managers mainly concentrate on accomplishing goals that arise from necessities rather than aspirations. They are skilled at resolving conflicts between individuals or departments, balancing various needs, and ensuring the smooth running of daily operations. On the other hand, leaders demonstrate a more personal and proactive approach to achieving goals, often driven by a unique vision and a commitment to realising it.



Focus on creating a vision. Focus on executing the vision.
Drive change and innovation. Maintain stability and control.
Empower and develop followers. Supervise and coordinate tasks.
Inspire others through passion.Handle administrative aspects.
Strategic, long-term focus. Operational, short-term focus.

Bennis, W. & Goldsmith, J. (2003). Learning to lead: A workbook on becoming a leader (3rd Ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books.

Kotter, J. 1990. A force for change. How leadership differs from management. New York, NY: Free Press.